Visit Israel Sooner Rather Than Later

Visit Israel Sooner Rather Than Later

Karen Taylor, WanderWell's newest addition, recently traveled to Israel and shared these remarks with me: 

There's so much to understand about the Middle East, where the history and culture have shaped world events and spiritual beliefs for thousands of years. Israel is one of the most interesting, historical, complicated, intense countries I've ever visited. And so enjoyable! Don't wait to visit it! The Mediterranean cuisine is lovely and healthy and there's lots of Israeli state history. Up the coast is Caesarea, with King Herod the Great's ruins, and north of that is the working city of Haifa and Akko and lots to offer including the beautiful Bahai Gardens and side trips to the Sea of Galilee and Nazareth. Then there's Jerusalem... you could easily spend a week there and not visit all that you want to see. The Western Wall, sites of Christ's life and crucifixion, the Tower of David, the Temple Mount and Dome of the Rock, the Hall of the Last Supper, an intersection of so  many faiths and cultures -- all while the modern city buzzes merrily along. The Yad Vashem museum will render you speechless. The Dead Sea Scrolls. You might like to see a kibbutz, Bedouin encampments, Masada. And you can combine your Israel travel with a visit to nearby Jordan for a few more days to stay in a resort on the Dead Sea and walk around Petra, 2,000 years old, and see Jerash, even older, and the capital, Amman. You'll need a guided tour to help facilitate a border crossing, and seeing Israel's sites with tour guides is a must to get the most out of the visit. You'll be glad you made the effort to get to this fascinating part of the world! 

Israel, September 2022